It's 18:45:56 5 listeners (9 in peak):   Andy Sever… - Street Cred Foo… Andy Severn & Jabba - Street Cred Football…

Productions on RolandRadio

There are incredibly many productions for the Amstrad CPC. Games, demos, intros and much more, of which we play the music on RolandRadio. Here you can find all productions for which we at RolandRadio have suitable titles. We have 1483 productions in our database.

We try to provide here a list of all productions from which we play titles on RolandRadio. In the course of time this will become complete and offer further functions.
If you can provide information that is missing here, we would be happy if you send us an email.

# Name Type Year Publisher
1032 Macadam Bumper 1985 ERE
249 Mach 3 1987 Loriciel
961 Mad Mix 1988 Topo
1136 Mad Mix 2 1990 Topo
1450 Mad Professor Mariarti
1376 Madball 1988 AM-Mag
506 Madballs 1987 Ocean
1747 Madness Time Nutty Boys
1412 Maffia 1990 E.S.A.T. Software
835 MagMax 1986 Ocean
1127 Magic
1430 Magic In A Bottle
892 Magica 2016 usebox
1115 Magicland Dizzy 1990 Codemasters
1023 Mandragore 1985 Infogrames
750 Mange Cailloux 1987 UBI
1200 Manhattan 95 2020 UBI
1078 Manic Miner 1984 Software Projects
1095 Maracaibo 1986 Loriciel
785 Marauder 1988 Hewson
92 Marble Madness
580 Marche a l'Ombre 1987 Infogrames
1359 Mariano The Dragon In Capers In Cityland 2008 CEZ
1496 Mask 1987 Gremlin
1156 Mask 2 1988 Gremlin
644 Masque 1986 UBI
137 Master Of The Lamps 1985 Activision
208 Master Of The Lamps: Magic Carpet 1985 Activision
1343 Masters Of The Universe 1987 Gremlin
809 Mata Hari 1988 Loriciel
1087 Match Day 1985 Ocean
1308 Match Day 2 1987 Ocean
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