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Productions on RolandRadio

There are incredibly many productions for the Amstrad CPC. Games, demos, intros and much more, of which we play the music on RolandRadio. Here you can find all productions for which we at RolandRadio have suitable titles. We have 1483 productions in our database.

We try to provide here a list of all productions from which we play titles on RolandRadio. In the course of time this will become complete and offer further functions.
If you can provide information that is missing here, we would be happy if you send us an email.

# Name Type Year Publisher
642 James Bond: Live And Let Die 1988 Domark
96 Jet Set Willy 1984 Software Projects
1222 Joe Blade 1987 Players
1328 Joe Blade 3 1989 Players
1742 Joke Mag 1 1995 POW!
1435 Joust 1986 Quality
1360 Juan Carmona
596 Jubilee Joy Megademo 1995 CRT
624 Jump Jet 1985 Anirog
235 Jungle Warfare 1989 Virgin
1499 Jungle Warrior 1990 Zigurat
433 Justin 2005 Matra
1219 Kalle Kloakk
1695 Kar
1364 Kellyon
1346 Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match 1990 Impressions
945 Kettle 1986 Alligata
1888 Kewl-ST
1081 Killer Ring 1987 Ariolasoft
397 Killerball 1991 Microids
681 Kitsune's Curse 2020 usebox
156 Klax 1990 Domark
191 Knight Games 1986 English
429 Knight Rider 1986 Ocean
1406 Knight Tyme 1986 Mastertronic
631 Knightmare 1987 Activision
180 Koinos
749 Kong Strikes Back 1984 Ocean
1086 Korobeiniki
365 Koronis Rift 1987 Activision
1438 Krakout 1987 Gremlin
158 Kwik Snax Dizzy 1990 Codemasters
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