It's 23:41:09 4 listeners (7 in peak):   Manuel Cub… - Army Moves Manuel Cubedo - Army Moves
Ariolasoft GmbH
1983    1993

Federal Republic of Germany
Founded by: Ariola Records / Bertelsmann

Productions of Ariolasoft GmbH

ID Type Name alias year
755 Challenge Of The Gobots 1987
756 Le Casse Du Siecle They Stole A Million 1986
853 Out Of This World 1987
854 Sepulcri 1986
928 Deactivators 1986
1081 Killer Ring K-Ring 1987
1089 Centurions The Centurions 1987
1276 Mountie Mick's Death Ride 1987
1341 Ziggurat 1988
1357 Triaxos 1987
SET: 0.0764 seconds