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- EarlCobra
- Kangaroo MusiQue
- Octoate
- xtrabet
This title is a remake / adaption
Information about the original
The title Elmibub by Kangaroo MusiQue is based on the following title:
Original Composer: Kangaroo MusiQueOriginal Title: Prehistorik Man
Original Production:
Original Platform:
Music video of the original
Additional information
This is the Gameboy version of the in-game music of Prehistorik II on the CPC for the GameBoy game "Prehistorik Man" in a modified version. BSC is wrongly mentioned as composer in the game and in the intro. After BSC could not provide self-composed music for the game, Elmar Krieger ( Elmsoft / EGS), the programmer of the game, asked Kangaroo MusiQue if he could compose the music for the different levels.Comments on this title from our users
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# | RRID | Rating | Last played | Artist | Title | Duration | ||||
1 | 12016 |
2025-03-14 07:26:56 | Kangaroo MusiQue | Elmibub
Remake of: Prehistorik Man by Kangaroo MusiQue
00:02:12 | 286 |
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