It's 14:24:29 6 listeners (8 in peak):   Weee! - Terrific Demo (… Weee! - Terrific Demo (Toes)

Crystal 00:04:12

... is part of the game Crystal
11338 | Composed or made by BSC
for Disc Full
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Last played: 2025-03-12 19:39:10


Users who really this title
  • BSC
  • HAL6128
  • Kangaroo MusiQue
  • Targhan

Comments on this title from our users

  • BSC Avatar
    BSC - 4 years ago
    Karsten was kind of a secret master of melodies IMO. He wrote some really memorable tunes on the Amiga and as far as I remember from an interview, he hasn't learned or played and instrument before, not to mention knowing how to read or write sheet music and stuff.

  • BSC Avatar
    BSC - 4 years ago
    Don't thank me, Targhan, the guy to thank is Karsten Obarski. He made this tune for Crystal Hammer on the Amiga ( Must have been one of the very first tunes I ever heard on the Amiga. And one I instantly fell in love with :) Here's another Link (even though the music does not play in my browser): Fun fact: As we all know, Karsten wrote the original Soundtracker for the Amiga and composed this tune. Some years later, another guy kind of cloned Soundtracker for the CPC and also cloned this tune :)

  • Targhan Avatar
    Targhan - 4 years ago
    This is a very important music to me, I love it. When we were doing Demoniak 2 (we were still coding in Basic), Golio Jr (Ramlaid's brother) kindly coded us an assembler intro with this music. The intro was rather simple, even in its day (a vu-meter, a writer), but for us, it was nothing more than a miracle. We could stay hours in front of it, listening to this song! We were so proud to have a "state of the art" introduction for our fanzine! Thanks BSC, thanks Golio Jr :).

  • Kangaroo MusiQue Avatar
    Kangaroo MusiQue - 4 years ago
    Very cool tune. I like the bright melody and the whole arrangement.

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