It's 04:56:28 4 listeners (8 in peak):   Christophe… - Fire & Forget 2… Christophe Fevre - Fire & Forget 2 (Lev…

Productions on RolandRadio

There are incredibly many productions for the Amstrad CPC. Games, demos, intros and much more, of which we play the music on RolandRadio. Here you can find all productions for which we at RolandRadio have suitable titles. We have 1483 productions in our database.

We try to provide here a list of all productions from which we play titles on RolandRadio. In the course of time this will become complete and offer further functions.
If you can provide information that is missing here, we would be happy if you send us an email.

# Name Type Year Publisher
760 Tintin Sur La Lune 1989 Infogrames
361 Tiny Skweeks 1992 Loriciel
147 Tire au Flan 2002 Overlanders
911 Titan 1988 Titus
1066 Titanic 1988 Topo
1405 Titus The Fox 1992 Titus
1288 Tobrouk 1942 1986 ERE
820 Toki 1991 Ocean
1292 Tom & Jerry 1989 Magic Bytes
267 Tom & Jerry 2 1989 Magic Bytes
195 Tombstowne 1985 Amsoft
1082 Toobin 1989 Tengen
1453 Top Gun 1986 Ocean
797 Total Recall 1991 Ocean
1141 Tour De Force 1988 Gremlin
1157 Tour'91 1991 Topo
1394 Toyota Celica GT Rally 1991 Gremlin
909 Tracer 1988 Schneider Magazin
511 Trailblazer 1986 Gremlin
957 Trans Muter 1987 Codemasters
1144 Transatlantic Balloon Challenge 1987 Virgin
522 Trantor: The Last Stormtrooper 1987 U.S. Gold
568 Trap 1987 Alligata
1466 Treasure Island Dizzy 1989 Codemasters
1357 Triaxos 1987 Ariolasoft
1792 Tribal Mag 2 1994 Frankenteam
90 Trigger 1989 Opera
150 Triple Commando
573 Troglo 1986 ACE
536 Troll 1988 Palace
1184 Trollie Wallie 1986 Players
1045 Troopers
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