It's 08:23:23 5 listeners (9 in peak):   Christophe… - Fire & Forget 2… Christophe Fevre - Fire & Forget 2 (Lev…

Productions on RolandRadio

There are incredibly many productions for the Amstrad CPC. Games, demos, intros and much more, of which we play the music on RolandRadio. Here you can find all productions for which we at RolandRadio have suitable titles. We have 1483 productions in our database.

We try to provide here a list of all productions from which we play titles on RolandRadio. In the course of time this will become complete and offer further functions.
If you can provide information that is missing here, we would be happy if you send us an email.

# Name Type Year Publisher
660 Spots 94 1994 Jaysoft
499 Spy Vs Spy II: The Island Caper 1987 First Star
1162 Square roots 2020 Vanity
1137 Sram 1986 ERE
812 Sram 2 1987 ERE
977 Stainless Steel 1986 Mikrogen
646 Star Driver 1994 Radical
1445 Star Raiders 2 1987 Activision
1354 Star Sabre 2007 Psytronik
762 Star Trap 1989 Loriciel
915 Star Wars 1987 Domark
1072 Star Wars Droids 1988 Mastertronic
1294 Starboy 1986 Gasoline
282 Stardust 1987 Topo
126 Starquake 1986 Bubble Bus
1080 Starring Charlie Chaplin 1987 U.S. Gold
1321 Starstrike II 1986 Firebird
1388 Starting Blocks 1988 Coktel
896 Steel Eagle 1990 Players
475 Steg 1992 Codemasters
498 Stifflip & Co 1987 Palace
461 Still Rising 2013 Vanity
1791 Still Scrolling 2018
104 Stille
1396 Stop Ball 1988 Dro
491 Storm Warrior 1989 Elite
745 Stormlord 1989 Hewson
384 Stormlord 2 1990 Hewson
634 Street Cred Boxing 1989 Players
734 Street Cred Football 1989 Players
1902 Street Fighter 2
330 Street Hawk 1986 Ocean
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