It's 08:24:16 5 listeners (9 in peak):   Christophe… - Fire & Forget 2… Christophe Fevre - Fire & Forget 2 (Lev…

Productions on RolandRadio

There are incredibly many productions for the Amstrad CPC. Games, demos, intros and much more, of which we play the music on RolandRadio. Here you can find all productions for which we at RolandRadio have suitable titles. We have 1483 productions in our database.

We try to provide here a list of all productions from which we play titles on RolandRadio. In the course of time this will become complete and offer further functions.
If you can provide information that is missing here, we would be happy if you send us an email.

# Name Type Year Publisher
159 Shufflepuck Cafe 1989 Brøderbund
603 Side Arms 1987 U.S. Gold
258 Sigma Seven 1987 Durell
371 Silent Shadow 1988 Topo
1519 Silkworm 1988 Virgin
1224 Silva 1992 Lankhor
929 Simulador Profesional De Tenis 1990 Dinamic
1878 Sinfonia from Cantata no. 29
347 Sir Ababol 2010 Hi-Tec
163 Sirwood 1989 Opera
1298 Skate Crazy 1988 Gremlin
1128 Skid Row intro
275 Skull And Crossbones 1991 Domark
920 Skull Castle
1207 Skweek 1989 Loriciel
840 Sky Hunter 1988 ERE
399 Sky War 1993 CPC Infos
367 Skyx 1988 Legend
794 Slap Fight 1987 Ocean
1573 Slayer
712 Slide96
169 Slightly Magic 1992 Codemasters
849 Slow
497 Sly Spy 1990 Ocean
314 Smash TV 1991 Ocean
1347 Snoopy & Peanuts 1989 Edge
891 Snoopy Demo 2
821 Snow Strike 1990 U.S. Gold
402 Soccer Challenge 1990 Alternative
740 Sokoban
1121 Sol Negro 1988 Opera
1498 Solar Invasion 1990 Mastertronic
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