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Underrated titles on RolandRadio

Many titles have not yet received a user rating. That is such a pity because a title is only included in the calculation of the RolandRadio charts when the number of ratings exceeds five. For this reason you will find here all titles that are underrated and urgently need to be rated more by our users.

We have 73 underrated titles rated only by 3 persons which you haven't rated yet! :-(

Check out the titles rated only by 1 person | 2 persons | 3 persons | 4 persons

# RRID Rating Last played Artist Title Duration
1 11865
2025-02-12 18:42:47 Imagitec Design Inc. The Shoe People (Title) 00:00:25 1811
2 12266
2025-02-12 05:07:21 Unknown Artist Orphee 00:00:31 1774
3 11220
2025-02-12 18:19:15 Andy & Sonic Grafitti Hawk Storm 00:02:25 1742
4 12420
2025-02-11 17:14:17 Unknown Artist Seymour At The Movies (Start Game) 00:00:03 1825
5 11864
2025-02-12 18:06:07 Imagitec Design Inc. The Shoe People (Good Answer) 00:00:06 1826
6 11938
2025-02-12 22:27:04 Joe Moulding Quadrant 00:00:28 1799
7 11852
2025-02-12 06:23:20 Unknown Artist How To Be a Complete Bastard 00:01:01 1775
8 12513
2025-02-12 06:31:38 Decibelios Stop Ball 00:00:58 1737
9 12278
2025-02-11 22:40:19 Unknown Artist Pasteman Pat 00:00:44 1729
10 11228
2025-02-12 22:36:16 Andy Wynd Striker In The Crypts Of Trogan (Start Game) 00:00:08 1755
11 11361
2025-02-12 05:20:02 Unknown Artist Catch 23 00:01:23 1818
12 11245
2025-02-12 18:16:56 Barry Leitch Back To The Future 3 (Briefing) 00:00:26 1759
13 12140
2025-02-12 18:40:02 Matt Furniss Klax (Game Over) 00:00:09 1778
14 12223
2025-02-12 22:09:01 Unknown Artist Mountain Bike Simulator (Start Game) 00:00:02 1770
15 12853
2025-02-12 18:46:06 William Bourgeois (Napo) Groops (Hi Score) 00:00:47 1761
16 11628
2025-02-11 17:17:10 Unknown Artist El Poder Oscuro 00:00:37 1776
17 12046
2025-02-12 22:32:57 Kristian Gartner & Mauricio Culibrk Suicidal Tendencies (Main Menu) 00:00:56 1753
18 12824
2025-02-11 17:20:40 We M.U.S.I.C. The Vikings (Game Over) 00:00:29 1750
19 12315
2025-02-10 22:23:21 Sonic Graffiti Prison Riot (Game Over) 00:00:06 1853
20 13234
2025-02-12 06:07:06 Edvard Grieg Wedding Day at Troldhaugen 00:06:04 1655
21 12782
2025-02-12 17:15:40 Unknown Artist Tuma 7 00:00:22 1756
22 12198
2025-02-12 06:31:17 Michel Winogradoff Pouvoir 00:00:22 1743
23 12265
2025-02-12 22:36:23 Unknown Artist Operation Hormuz 00:00:27 1770
24 12486
2025-02-11 17:27:21 Unknown Artist Star Raiders 2 00:00:24 1794
25 11737
2025-02-12 06:13:07 Frequency Audio Illusions (Advanced Chip Chop Simulator) 00:01:41 1720
26 12858
2025-02-12 03:04:41 William Bourgeois (Napo) Groops (Success) 00:00:04 1765
27 12899
2025-02-12 18:00:22 Zik Burger Party (Game Over) 00:00:03 1864
28 11734
2025-02-12 22:16:26 Frequency Audio Illusions (Travelling) 00:01:26 1736
29 12855
2025-02-12 17:14:04 William Bourgeois (Napo) Groops (Introduction) 00:00:09 1843
30 11752
2025-02-12 22:36:49 Frequency Super Tetris (Introduction) 00:00:15 1755
31 11742
2025-02-12 17:35:50 Frequency Audio Illusions (Musical World) 00:00:50 1741
32 12882
2025-02-11 18:02:30 Wyz Betiled! (Start Game) 00:00:42 1765
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