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X-Treme Issue 1 (Music 22) 00:01:20

... is part of the magazine X-Treme Issue 1
13727 | Composed or made by Kangaroo MusiQue
for Symbiosis
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Last played: 2025-03-07 07:14:38



This title is a remake / adaption

Information about the original

The title X-Treme Issue 1 (Music 22) by Kangaroo MusiQue is based on the following title:

Original Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Original Title: Bona nox! bist a rechta Ox
Original Production:
Original Platform:

Music video of the original

Comments on this title from our users

  • Kangaroo MusiQue Avatar
    Kangaroo MusiQue - 4 years ago
    Bona nox! bist a rechta Ochs; bona notte, liebe Lotte; bonne nuit pfui, pfui; good night, good night, heut müßma noch weit; gute Nacht, gute Nacht, scheiß ins Bett daß’ kracht; gute Nacht, schlaf fei g’sund und reck’ den Arsch zum Mund.

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Remake of: Bona nox! bist a rechta Ox by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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