It's 16:42:27 5 listeners (10 in peak):   Barry Leit… - Rock'n'Roll (Hi… Barry Leitch - Rock'n'Roll (Highsco…

Jingle: Markus "Captain" Kaarlonen (english) 00:00:11

13156 | Composed or made by RolandRadio
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Last played: 2025-03-15 11:03:20


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  • Kangaroo MusiQue Avatar
    Kangaroo MusiQue - 4 years ago
    I contacted Markus Kaarlonen via Facebook and asked if he would make this recording for RolandRadio. He accepted, but was on tour with his band at the time and said that he could only record it at home in the studio because of the audio quality. After I pointed out that the audio quality was not that relevant he let himself be talked into it and recorded this recording under the blanket in the hotel. I also asked if he could make a recording in which he could praise BSC for his version of Space Debris. But unfortunately he had already made his recordings and I didn't want to push him again. But he liked Space Debris on the CPC very much.

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2025-03-15 11:03:20 RolandRadio Jingle: Markus "Captain" Kaarlonen (english) 00:00:11 4157
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