It's 16:26:43 5 listeners (10 in peak):   Rob Hubbar… - Dragon's Lair 2… Rob Hubbard - Dragon's Lair 2: Esc…

Commando (Kanga's remix of Weee!'s Rob Hubbard remix) 00:01:21

... is part of the game Commando
12011 | Composed or made by Kangaroo MusiQue
for Elite
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Last played: 2025-03-14 07:52:13


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  • Buckethead
  • EarlCobra
  • Octoate
  • remax
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This title is a remake / adaption

Information about the original

The title Commando (Kanga's remix of Weee!'s Rob Hubbard remix) by Kangaroo MusiQue is based on the following title:

Original Composer: Rob Hubbard
Original Title: Commando
Original Production:
Original Platform: Commodore C64

Music video of the original

Additional information

Weee! started to implement this interpretation of Rob Hubbard's Titles Commando at one of the GOS parties. After he gave me a reduced ST-File with only one pattern of his adaptation in it, I started to make the rest on my own. The used instruments are more or less original from Weee!

Comments on this title from our users

  • Buckethead Avatar
    Buckethead - 4 years ago
    What a nice remix!

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