It's 23:18:37 4 listeners (7 in peak):   Unknown Ar… - L'Aigle d'Or Unknown Artist - L'Aigle d'Or


For the Amstrad CPC there were a lot of software houses and organisations that developed games, demos and other programs with music for the CPC, which we play here on RolandRadio. We have 241 organisations in our database.

We try to provide here a list of all organizations from which we play titles on RolandRadio. In the course of time this will become complete and offer further functions.
If you can provide information that is missing here, we would be happy if you send us an email.

# Shortname Name founded City Country Items
1 Mindscape Mindscape Software 1983 Northbrook 2
2 Mirrorsoft Mirrorsoft 1983 London 5
3 Mojon Twins The Mojon Twins 6
4 Mortel Mortel 2
5 NAS New Age Software 1992 Stuttgart 3
6 Nephilim Nephilim 1
7 New Age New Age 1
8 New Deal New Deal Productions 1
9 Nutty Boys Nutty Boys 1
10 Ocean Ocean Software 1982 Manchester 59
11 OdieSoft OdieSoft 2
12 Odin Odin Computer Graphics 2
13 Opera Opera Soft 16
14 Origin Origin Systems 1
15 Overlanders Overlanders 5
16 P.S.I. P.S.I. 1
17 Palace Palace Software 1984 London 7
18 Piranha Piranha Software 3
19 Players Players Premier 22
20 POW! POW! 2
21 Power System Power System 6
22 Probe Probe Software 1984 Croydon 6
24 Psygnosis Psygnosis Limited 1984 Liverpool 1
25 Psytronik Psytronik Software 3
26 Pulpo Pulpo Corrosivo 1
27 Quality Quality Software 1
28 Quicksilva Quicksilva 1979 Maybush (Southampton) 4
29 Radical Radical Software 4
30 Rainbow Arts Rainbow Arts Software GmbH 1984 Gütersloh 6
31 Rebels Rebels 2
32 Red Sector Inc Red Sector Inc 1
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