It's 22:57:56 5 listeners (7 in peak):   not rateable RolandRadi… - Jingle: Prodatr… RolandRadio - Jingle: Prodatron (e…


For the Amstrad CPC there were a lot of software houses and organisations that developed games, demos and other programs with music for the CPC, which we play here on RolandRadio. We have 241 organisations in our database.

We try to provide here a list of all organizations from which we play titles on RolandRadio. In the course of time this will become complete and offer further functions.
If you can provide information that is missing here, we would be happy if you send us an email.

# Shortname Name founded City Country Items
2 cult cult 1
3 D-Zign D-Zign 1
4 Damir Petkovic Damir Petkovic 2
5 Delirous Delirous Gang 1
6 Delta Delta Software 1
7 Digital Integration Digital Integration 3
8 Dinamic Dinamic Software 1983 15
9 Dirty Minds Dirty Minds 7
10 Disc Full Disc Full Corp 2
11 Disney Disney Software 1988 Glendale 1
12 Domark Domark Group Ltd. 1984 London 23
13 Donut Donut System 1
14 Dracula Fanz Team Dracula Fanz Team 1
15 Dro Dro Soft 2
16 Durell Durell Software 1983 Taunton (Somerset) 9
17 E.S.A.T. Software E.S.A.T. Software 1
18 Easter Egg Easter Egg 1
19 Edge The Edge 6
20 EGS Elmsoft Game Service 1
21 Electronic Zoo Electronic Zoo 1
22 Elite Elite Systems 1984 Lichfield 18
23 Empire Empire 1
24 Endurance Endurance Games 2
25 English English Software 3
26 Enigma Enigma Variations Ltd. 1989 Harrogate (New Hampshire) 2
27 Epyteor Epyteor 14
28 Epyx Epyx Inc. 1978 San Francisco 4
29 Erbe Erbe Software, S.A. 1984 3
30 ERE ERE Informatique 1983 26
31 ESP & CEZ ESP Soft & CEZ Games Studio 1
32 ESP Soft ESP Soft 2
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