Welcome to your Amstrad CPC Chiptune Radio
RolandRadio is playing the finest Amstrad CPC chiptune music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AY around the clock. For your pleasure.
RolandRadio has 239 registered users (please register too) and 2612 titles from games, demos, intros and outros just waiting to be heard on our little radio station. At the moment we have 4 people listening to our streams.
The only station that plays Amstrad 8-bit chiptune music
If you want to listen to RolandRadio you can click on the RolandRadio-MiniPlayer animation on the top right of our homepage or choose a suitable stream on our stream page. To get more information about our streaming service you can also visit the information page directly on our streaming server.
Become part of the Amstrad chiptune and chip sound community
In order to use all the information and functions on this page, it is necessary to register as a user at RolandRadio. Guests have only a limited range of functions at their disposal. Register at our page, link to our site, spread the word. And if you have some nice Amstrad CPC sounds we don’t yet have in our database please upload your files.
Talk about RolandRadio
If you like RolandRadio, we would be very happy if you tell all your friends, point it out in forums or the social networks and if you have your own homepage and integrate the RolandRadio-MiniPlayer into it.
Now enjoy the radio!
Best wishes,Kangaroo MusiQue of SPRING!