It's 15:49:00 6 listeners (7 in peak):   Crittersoa… - Megablasters (W… Crittersoap - Megablasters (World…

Progress of the RolandRadio project

Here you can find an overview of the things done at RolandRadio and stay informed about the progress of this project.

Progress on 2020-03-11

Set up new hosting-server for RolandRadio

A new hosting server has been provided by CMO Internet Dienstleistungen GmbH and is well equipped for the future hosting requirements of The system runs with 8 CPU cores, 12 GB RAM, SSD data storage system with a modern Ubuntu Linux operating system. For easier server management we were also provided with a PLESK license and for RolandRadio we use a modern PHP 7.4 system with nginx and the Apache webserver. The entire system is backed up daily and backups extend up to 15 days into the past.

Progress on 2020-03-03

Planning new version of

Since the old version of RolandRadio was based on Wordpress, it was time to develop a new version, especially since several of the used plugins were outdated, no longer developed and therefore very insecure. Wordpress was out of question, because the possibilities are very limited to existing plugins. The decision was made that if you had to develop something new anyway, you could develop something new to bring Wordpress to the desired functionality. The last programming of Kangaroo MusiQue was decades ago, when Kangaroo MusiQue developed its software under php/fi, one of the first versions of the PHP framework. For the new development and to work on a new level, the framework Laravel is therefore used for the development of RolandRadio. All parts of RolandRadio are developed by Kangaroo MusiQue itself and Kangaroo MusiQue learns programming again on a nice little project.

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