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Written on 2020-03-16 18:37:54, Updated at 2020-03-16 18:37:54
You can now report false informations on our titles
Sure you have noticed the one or other bug in our titles on RolandRadio. Some unknown artists or unknown titles may appear here and then.
And now you can report us those titles. Just go to the Playlist of RolandRadio and youÄll find a small pen-icon. Click on it and send us a e-Mail and add as much corections and additional informations you have about the title.
We'll add those to our database, so the entry will be corrected the next time it is played.
Also now the playlist is accessible for non-registered users in a shortened form, so also guests can use the reporting function for optimizing our system.
Thank you for your help.
Written on 2020-03-16 18:37:54, Updated at 2020-03-16 18:37:54
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