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79 | Sean Conran

Has no chart hit yet on RolandRadio. Rate Sean Conran's titles!
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Some random productions for which Sean Conran wrote the music

Turrican 2
Ruff & Reddy
Quick Draw McGraw
Atom Ant

Jingles Sean Conran did for RolandRadio

We have no jingles of Sean Conran yet. Get in contact and ask to do some!

We have 7 titles of Sean Conran

The total playing time of all Sean Conran titles is 00:10:51.
Due to the low total playing time of less than one hour and thirty minutes, no artist-only show is possible yet.

# RRID Rating Last played Artist Title Duration
1 13916
2025-03-13 05:43:32 Sean Conran Atom Ant 00:01:09 1776
2 12409
2025-03-11 00:17:56 Sean Conran Quick Draw McGraw 00:00:07 546
3 12410
2025-03-01 04:30:54 Sean Conran Road Runner 00:01:03 547
4 12395
2025-03-15 01:51:34 Sean Conran Ruff & Reddy 00:01:26 591
5 12411
2025-03-09 20:49:33 Sean Conran Turrican 2 (Main Menu) 00:03:26 560
6 12876
2025-03-13 16:49:57 Sean Conran WWF Wrestlemania 00:02:26 559
7 12412
2025-03-14 04:09:36 Sean Conran Yogi Bear And Friends In The Greed Monster 00:01:14 608
Total duration: 00:10:51  
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